Take A Time Out-An Afternoon at South River

This blog contains affiliate and referral links, which may reward me in the event of a subscription or sale. Lately, I've been trying to play catch up, but the last week I just felt like I needed a time out. Preferably in a lounge chair on the coast of Cocoa Beach, but since I couldn't just bolt on a whim, I decided for us to cruise down to South River. Mind you, this gorgeous little spot is only two miles from my house.  This goes to show how wrapped up in everyday life we tend to get! In my upcoming post, I talk about Dr. James Wilson, saying, "You need to do something you enjoy Every Day!"I'm guilty of not doing things I enjoy very often at all the last few years. I feel overwhelmed and guilty if I take any time for myself. So, the last two days we took an hour or two out and headed to the river to get some sun. It was absolutely beautiful! We went out and bought 2 Ozark Rapid Rider Tubes, and in the next week we plan on tubing down the river-something I have wanted to do for years.  I need Sun; no doubt about it. I've learned that although Virginia is gorgeous, it has a reputation of being gray for months out of the year. Seasonal Depression can really take a toll on your spirits. I lived in Florida collectively for almost ten years, and I will probably end up there again. Something about sand, surf, and sun just soothes my soul. But, until then, I decided to bask in the beauty of the lush forests, rivers, and lakes of Virginia.This serene little spot has a rock bed that extends out to the river. There is a boat/canoe landing as well, so that is in my near future as well! (After TUBING!) The picture is my hubby and our handsome boy Chops. We rescued him about seven months ago from the SPCA-he was a forced surrender :( underweight, severe dermatitis, and on trazodone for anxiety. My husband has patiently worked with him, was able to get him off of his anxiety medicine, and he is doing very well now.Needless to say, we all needed a bit of R&R, and this spot did the trick. If you're ever in the Shenandoah Valley, check out places along the South River for a fun day in the sun! 

Wander with Wonder

  I can't help but view the real beauty of this world with wonder. As I said, it's easy to get wrapped in the everyday grind, worrying about bills, health, work, family, and every other cog in the wheel that presents itself. Do yourself a favor and take a time out. Take a walk, go outdoors, watch a sunset, pet a furbaby, or take an afternoon to a serene location.There is a quote by Albert Einstein- "There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle." When you live your life as if everything is a miracle, your state of mind shifts to a positive outlook. I understand it is hard to do this at times, but you can start by making a gratitude journal. Write down three things every day you are grateful for. It visualizes the blessings you have in your life.I felt like a little girl again sorting through the river rocks, finding clam shells, and watching tiny fish swimming in schools at my feet. The water bugs made me a little weirded out-LOL. I'm not super girly but if I don't know about it-I get spooked a bit. I just splashed around and played it cool. I can't express how frustrated I get when people leave trash and items behind. We picked up some bottles and things, and I might even buy one of those "claw grabbers" to pick up trash when I go to these beautiful places. This butterfly was digging the wet sock apparently, but we need to stop treating this planet as if it's disposable. "Leave it better than it was when you got there." 

Prevent Burnout

 Burnout may affect you mentally and physically. For me, it's both. Due to chronic stress and health issues, I'm in Stage 3 Adrenal Fatigue. I still feel guilty about taking time out and resting. We live in a stressful time. Constant exposure to social media, news reports, and being available at a ding of a text makes it hard to step out and take a break.When life is all work and no play, you are likely to burn out faster. (Just my opinion) I suggest reading Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James L. Wilson for help on burnout and Adrenal Fatigue information. He suggests having one day a week that you have no agenda. You simply relax and enjoy your day without worrying about the piling To Do List. It helps to de-stress and restore energy.   

Day Trip or Weekend Getaways

 Maybe you need more than an afternoon, who doesn't right? Whether you are local or not the Shenandoah Valley has a ton of gorgeous places to see, fun activities to do, and yummy places to eat! I'll be posting more on various destinations soon such as Wineries, Hiking Trails, National Parks, and more. Check out places to stay with the Booking.Com calendar below (affiliate link) to save money and find excellent places to visit!Booking.com Any articles on this website should be considered an opinion and are provided for informational purposes only. I am not a medical practitioner and advise you to consult with your physician before participating in any new lifestyle change such as exercise, diet, supplements, and/or medication. The author and blog disclaim liability for any damage, mishap, or injury that may occur from engaging in any activities or ideas from this site.   


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